Welcome to the Carsten Johnsen’s resources! His written material will be freely available here in electronic formats.
Who is Carsten Johnsen?
Doctor, Professor, Uncle? See Carsten Johnsen’s Biography and Tributes.
Why this Web Site?
Who would go to all this trouble? See About.
What did Carsten Johnsen write?
See Carsten Johnsen’s Bibliography for information on his complete list of books and articles. (If we have missed some, please let us know!)
His main works are in the following table. If EPUB or PDF is linked, you can download that title!
Miscellaneous information on his books:
- The Science of the Occult manuscript was newly published August 2012, released only in e-book formats, on the 25th anniversary of Carsten Johnsen’s death, and dedicated to his two sons, Per and Andreas.
- See the Bibliography page for indication of which titles were included on the 1995 Words of the Pioneers CD-ROM published by the Adventist Pioneer Library, and how this electronic collection in a FolioViews infobase can still be obtained by a free download.
Can I find a sample of Carsten’s writings?
Try these short extracts. They will be helpful to catch the threads of thoughts and insights on important issues. More sample are planned.
- Was Faith Ever Alone? (4 July 2017) Extract of Chapter 7 “Are Faith and Work Separable?” in The Maligned God, intended as a study supplement for Fred Bischoff’s study on “Sola Fide” at Light Bearers Convocation 6 July 2017
- “Going Down” (10 April 2014; 14 pages) How fundamental is the principle of humility?
- Motherliness and Agape (10 April 2014; 6 pages) What does motherliness and motherhood have to do with agape?
- Pagan Thought-Forms and the Role of Spirit of Prophecy (10 April 2014; 13 pages) Could you be immersed in thought patterns only God can deliver you from?
- Profound Statements about the Spirit of Prophecy (10 April 2014; 5 pages) In what light did Carsten view the modern Spirit of Prophecy?
- Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis (10 April 2014; 17 pages) How do we keep together what God never designed to be apart, and separate what God never intended to be together?
Where can I find more information about Carsten?
- Conceptual Connections Between Books. You may enjoy this timeline that explains (mostly in Carsten’s own words) his books and their connections.
- AdventNytt February 2014. This periodical has a 4 page feature article on Carsten (all in Norwegian) which includes the cover picture, and an article by Carsten “The Dream of the Lost Land” along with a biographical sidebar on pp. 24-27. This feature commemorated the 100th anniversary 23 February 2014 of Carsten’s birth.
- 4 July 2017:
> Uploaded and linked “Was Faith Ever Alone?” extract from The Maligned God
> Uploaded and linked Agape and Eros in EPUB and PDF - 25 June 2017:
> Details in Conceptual Connections were edited, including adding a reference to another document not in hand, Christian Spirituality versus Pagan Spiritualism from Carsten’s time in Montpellier, that Dr. Fernando Canale pointed to on page 25 of Man the Indivisible. - 20 June 2017:
> 7 EPUB and PDF books are here (see below).
> Agape and Eros is to be added to our EPUB and PDF collection shortly!
> Day of Destiny II located! This document which Carsten mentioned on p. 163 of Day of Destiny, and again on the cover of Crucial Events in SDA Theology Today, was shared by a former student of Carsten’s, and was noted to be on file at the EGW Research Center at Andrews University, where Carsten taught for 10 years. The title Carsten had given it was “Dependence on Self versus Dependence on the Other One as Elements of Drama in the Philosophy of Seventh-day Adventism.” He had apparently penciled beside the title two alternate titles: “Autarkeia versus Metanoia” and “Part II, The Seventh Day.” We are working to digitize this document, which is comprised of 84 half pages (apparently Carsten’s favorite manuscript format).
Last Update on site: 4 July 2017